Discover Your New Holiday Must-Have
Searching for a new holiday tradition?—how about our DeLuxe® Fruitcake?! It's been a holiday must-have for generations. Think we’re making this up? We swear on Santa we’re not. We don’t want Mr. Claus to place us on the naughty list for fibbing. But yes, fruitcake is a beloved holiday tradition all over the world. In fact, it’s globally considered a confectionary delight. Countless countries lay claim to their own unique and regionally-specific fruitcake recipes. These countries include Australia, Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Switzerland, just to name a few.
Often reserved as a special treat for significant occasions, fruitcake was often the dessert of choice for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This explains the tightly knitted correlation between the cake, the holidays, and therefore, the name ‘Christmas Cake.’
5 Fun Facts About Christmas Cake
1. WE ARE NUTS FOR NUTS!—In fact, every single one of our DeLuxe® Fruitcakes and Texas Pecan Cakes contains 27% pecans by weight. Despite being one of the most expensive nuts in the United States, we never substitute less expensive alternatives for our cakes. We believe in using only the best!
BONUS FACT: All the pecans used at the Collin Street Bakery are shelled just down the road! Navarro County, Texas, where our fruitcake factory is located, is home to the largest pecan shelling facility in the United States!
2. A FRUITCAKE WITHOUT FRUIT?—What’s a fruitcake without fruit? Just a boring ole’ cake. That’s why we incorporate handfuls of ripe, juicy fruit inside each of our DeLuxe® Fruitcakes and Texas Pecan Cakes. Our list of fruits includes pineapples, cherries, golden raisins, papayas, and apricots.
3. WHAT'S THAT STUFF ON TOP?—Some people confuse those red and green fruits on top of our DeLuxe® for candy. But actually, they are glacéed pineapples and cherries! Understandably, glacéed fruit is sometimes confused with candied fruit. But, while the steps for creating each are somewhat similar, the slight variations in each process produce significantly different results. Candied fruit tends to be hard and firmer, with a texture akin to hard candy. Glacéed fruit tends to be more tender, with a texture akin to a jelly candy.
4. OUR CAKES ARE FILM FAMOUS—Next time you watch "The Godfather,” check out our DeLuxe® Fruitcake’s on-screen appearance. In the scene where James Caan's character, "Sonny", learns he’s being set up by the Mob, our famous DeLuxe® tin can be seen on the counter behind him. Why our DeLuxe®? - The set designer felt our fruitcake tin added a sense of classic “Americana” including it in the movie without Collin Street’s prior knowledge. Cool, huh?!
5. OUR CAKES HAVE (almost) BROKEN RECORDS—Our Deluxe® Fruitcake was almost featured in the Guinness Book of World Records! For what you ask? Collin Street Bakery baked a fruitcake to be submitted as a contender for the world’s largest fruitcake ever created. However, some paperwork was lost in the shuffle and our submission never made it in. Ah, shucks! However, to memorialize our efforts, we constructed an enormous fruitcake tin. The lid can be found proudly displayed in our downtown Corsicana Café location.
Send the Perfect Gift this Christmas
Our small-town Texas bakery is known around the world for our famous fruitcake! In fact, our DeLuxe® has been featured on the Food Network, Travel Channel, & ABC’s The Chew. See for yourself why our DeLuxe® Fruitcake is a Christmas must-have.
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