Our Guarantee

Satisfaction Guarantee

Your Satisfaction is guaranteed. We unconditionally guarantee the quality of every item we bake. If, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with your selection, please call or write us immediately and tell us (1) the purchaser’s full name and, (2) the reference number from the shipping label. We will promptly replace the product or refund the purchase price in full.

Shipping Guarantee

Addresses not verified through the Postal System Database will not be guaranteed. 

Specific Arrival Dates

Shipments sent by standard delivery cannot be guaranteed to arrive on a specific date. They will be guaranteed to arrive BY your requested arrival date if ordered in time. For a specific arrival date guarantee, call 1-800-475-3589 (U.S. deliveries only) to receive details on special overnight shipping options, or click here for more information about our shipping options.