Celebrities Who Eat Fruitcake

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Names just as Famous as our Fruitcake

Since 1896, our baked goods have attracted millions of fans. Some from all over the globe! That's because Collin Street Bakery ships all over, including all 50 states and to over 196 countries. So, it’s only natural our DeLuxe® Fruitcake has garnered attention and loyalty from some serious celebrities. After all, they're only human!

Check out just a handful of famous names who've ordered
from Collin Street Bakery:

Will Rogers

Nolan Ryan

Lyle Lovett

Chuck Norris

Princess Caroline

Michael York

George W. Bush

Dick Cheney

Condaleeza Rice

Stephen King

Steve Harvey

Monte Hale

Joan Van Ark

Steve Allen

Jayne Meadows

Jim Brady

Jim Corbet

Enrico Caruso

John McGraw

Grace Kelly

Robert Urich

Vanna White

Fruitcake for Your Thoughts

After reading this list, we'd love to know, which celebrity surprised you the most? Who do you think should try our fruitcakes? Who do you think we left off our list? Drop a comment below to share your thoughts!

Eat Like Celebrities Do!

Made with crunchy pecans, hand-picked pineapple, and all-natural honey, our fruitcakes are sweet and delicious. With just one bite, you’ll understand why our DeLuxe® has been Collin Street’s crowning achievement for over 125 years. Eat like the celebrities do and order yourself a DeLuxe® Fruitcakes today!

Reading next

People Try Our Fruitcake
DeLuxe® Fruitcake Sizing Guide Infographic

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